
We value your opinion and appreciate your help contributing to the In Motion – Plan to 2050. Your feedback will provide valuable insight and direction for this, and future, federal transportation investments to benefit the Capital Region and its residents. Review the materials below and submit your thoughts!

New Survey Available!

We’re gathering feedback on our draft Goals for the plan and what visionary transportation projects you think we should invest in for our future transportation system. Review the full Draft Goals and Objectives, tell us what you think of them, and what ideas you have for visionary transportation projects in the Capital Region.

In Motion Draft Goals:

  • Goal 1: Safety – Eliminate fatalities and serious injuries on Capital Region roadways and increase the security of the transportation system.
  • Goal 2: Mobility – Ensure the transportation system is maintained, operated, and coordinated to support reliable travel throughout the region.
  • Goal 3: Access – Improve transportation choices and access to key destinations for people and goods.
  • Goal 4: Equity – Achieve an inclusive transportation planning process and make investments that address historic and contemporary transportation-related inequities experienced by disadvantaged populations such as racial and ethnic minorities, low-income people, seniors, and disabled people.
  • Goal 5: Livability – Make strategic investments in the transportation system to support economic development, population growth, and housing in areas with transportation options.
  • Goal 6: Climate – Reduce the risks the region faces from climate change, improve air quality, and reduce emissions from transportation.
  • Goal 7: Resilience – Prepare for and protect the transportation system from changing conditions and natural hazards to responsibly manage the transportation system for generations to come.

Read the Objectives that define the above Goals, and let us know what you think via the survey below or email at

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Capital Region Transportation Council
1 Park Place, Suite 101
Albany, NY  12205-2676

(518) 458-2161

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Latest News & Upcoming Events

Draft Regional Trends and Conditions Report Available for Review

The companion to the Regional Trends Story Map, a more comprehensive look at regional issues and trends and provide an in-depth analysis and overview of regional demographic, economic, housing, infrastructure, mobility, climate, and development trends, is now available for public review. The Regional Trends and Conditions Report sets the background for the In Motion Plan

March 21st, 6p: Inform & Imagine Phases Virtual Workshop

Hear about what In Motion, long-range plan is, its purpose, and how you can be involved throughout the whole process.

Public Involvement Plan Adopted at Planning Committee Meeting

On February 7th, the Planning Committee of the Capital Regional Transportation Council adopted the Public Involvement Plan for In Motion: The Plan to 2050. The Public Involvement Plan will guide how the Transportation Council will conduct public outreach and engagement during the development of In Motion, the long-range transportation plan for the Capital Region.

Transportation Council Announces Long-Range Plan Initiation

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