
What’s New?

Draft Vision Statement and Community Tradeoffs Survey

The third survey to inform the development our new regional transportation plan In Motion: The Plan to 2050 is now open. The survey seeks reaction to the plan’s draft vision statement and your thoughts as to what tradeoffs you would be willing to make for the vision to become reality. The survey will remain open through most of January 2025.

Draft Vision Statement

On September 5, 2024, a Draft Vision Statement for the In Motion Plan was approved for public review. It says:

By 2050, we will strive to maintain a clean transportation system that provides safe, equitable, resilient, and reliable options for the movement of people and goods. The Capital Region will thrive with a seamless, multimodal network that is community focused, connecting all people to economic opportunity while supporting sustainable growth and livable communities. Transportation investments will address inequities, improve system performance, adapt to technological advancements, and protect the environment for future generations.

Tell us what you think by emailing

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Capital Region Transportation Council
1 Park Place, Suite 101
Albany, NY  12205-2676

(518) 458-2161

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Latest News & Upcoming Events

Draft Regional Trends and Conditions Report Available for Review

The companion to the Regional Trends Story Map, a more comprehensive look at regional issues and trends and provide an in-depth analysis and overview of regional demographic, economic, housing, infrastructure, mobility, climate, and development trends, is now available for public review. The Regional Trends and Conditions Report sets the background for the In Motion Plan

March 21st, 6p: Inform & Imagine Phases Virtual Workshop

Hear about what In Motion, long-range plan is, its purpose, and how you can be involved throughout the whole process.

Public Involvement Plan Adopted at Planning Committee Meeting

On February 7th, the Planning Committee of the Capital Regional Transportation Council adopted the Public Involvement Plan for In Motion: The Plan to 2050. The Public Involvement Plan will guide how the Transportation Council will conduct public outreach and engagement during the development of In Motion, the long-range transportation plan for the Capital Region.

Transportation Council Announces Long-Range Plan Initiation